Boot Monument at Saratoga National Historical Site

Benedict Arnold’s curious monument at Saratoga National Historical Park

When nearly everyone hears the name Benedict Arnold, one thing comes to mind. He was a traitor and a defector to the British during the Revolutionary War. The very name is synonymous with betrayal. What is less known is that before Arnold became a turncoat, he was a celebrated military hero.  He was pivotal in the turning point of the War for Independence at the Battle of Saratoga. 

At Saratoga in 1777, the Continental Army, led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold, became the first force in history to which the British Army surrendered.  Arnold’s Heroism is honored to this day at Saratoga National Historical Park north of Albany, New York. 

Near stop number 7 along the battlefield tour road is where Arnold was injured and wounded in action.  A musket ball ripped through his ankle as he courageously led his men in battle. At this spot, a unique tribute was erected that commemorates Arnold’s role in winning the Battles of Saratoga, but with one major concession. The monument honoring Benedict Arnold never mentions his name. 

Boot Monument

The Boot Monument at Saratoga National Historical Park

The “Boot Monument,” as it is known, shows the leg that was shot on one side and has the following engraved on the other. 

“In memory of the “most brilliant soldier” of the Continental Army who was desperately wounded on this spot the sally port of BORGOYNES GREAT (WESTERN) REDOUBT 7th October 1777 winning for his countrymen the decisive battle of the American Revolution and for himself the rank of Major General.” 

While his name and image may be missing from the monument honoring him, the monument will remain a testament to his courage at the Battle of Saratoga.

Other Benedict Arnold historical sites to visit

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