The Ghost of the Great White Sands

White Sand National Park is an incredible site. The waves of silky-white sand cover 275 square miles of New Mexico desert, comprising the largest gypsum dune field in the world. It is a magical land that is also home to a surprising amount of biodiversity.  

Pavala Blanca and White Sands

But amongst the specter of flora and fauna, some hikers witness a fleeting glimpse of an apparition; those that catch a good view soon realize this is no hallucination. It’s the ghost of the Great White Sands. The ghost, named Pavla Blanca. 

In 1540, a young, brave Spanish man named Hernando de Luna valiantly signed on to join the famed conquistador Francisco Coronado. The young Spaniard, eager to prove himself a hero, was forced to leave behind his beautiful bride-to-be, Manuela, in Mexico City. 

The party set out to explore large swaths of unknown lands in what would become Arizona, Kansas, Texas, and New Mexico, intent on finding the legendary Seven Cities of Gold. The fabled Seven Cities of Gold, or Cibola, were said to be home to immense golden houses filled with jewels.

For many days and nights, the party scoured the southwest desert, tediously following golden sunsets and bejeweled night skies in search of a mirage. One day, while pursuing a tip from Native Americans, they came to the edge of the great white sands. 

It was here that their quest came to a sudden end. Apache warriors ambushed the party of conquistadors. Many perished, and few survived. Those who managed to escape, bloodied and defeated, fled south to Mexico City to tell tales of the epic battle.

Upon their arrival, the beautiful bride-to-be Manuela anxiously awaited her love. But as the men slowly entered, Manuela was told that Hernando had perished on the shifting dunes of the great white sands.

She hurriedly set forth north in search of her true love. Manuela was last seen alive, galloping on her horse north of El Paso.

According to legend, the Spanish maiden now haunts the great white sands. She appears in the evening in a flowing milky white wedding gown, combing the shimmering dunes in pursuit of her husband-to-be. 

Many skeptics contend that Pavla Blanca’s sightings are swirly eddies of white sand. Others who have laid eyes on the beautiful mistress will swear it’s the soul of a grief-stricken woman forever wandering through the lingering torture of searching for her lover.

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